HMCSF is proud to offer our first ever “Guide to the Gavel” Program, a masterclass to teach delegates the skills of model congress.


10:00 - 11:30: Public Speaking Practicum

11:30 - 12:30: Rhetoric & Speech Writing Workshop

12:30 - 1:00: Lunch Break

1:00 - 1:45: Intro to Writing a Policy Proposal

1:45 - 2:30: Parliamentary Procedure Workshop

2:30 - 3:00: Mock Committee & Closing Remarks

Register through the link below:

Please reach out to Corine Chung at with any questions.

Are you an avid model government delegate? Do you accidentally ask for a point of personal privilege when going to the bathroom in class and call free time an unmoderated caucus? Or have you never stepped into session and only associate motions with physics class?

No matter your background this program is for you!

During our intensive one-day workshop our experts in model government simulations will provide you with the complete toolbox of necessary skills to win “best delegate” at your next conference. Our Harvard staff has years of experience both as delegates and as leaders in Model Congress and Model United Nations. Together, we will guide you from the beginnings of public speaking, through research and writing skills, all the way to an actual mini-committee at the end of the program where you’ll receive direct feedback from our staff!

If you are looking to sharpen your skills for your next conference or just get a feel for what HMC is all about, we will provide you with an unforgettable experience and you’ll leave with all the skills you need to become a best delegate!

You can complete payment via PayPal below:

We also accept Zelle payments to

Please contact with any payment related questions or concerns.